Athlete Home Bodyweight Workout

You don’t need a gym to keep your off-season going.

Team lifts, conditioning, college recruiting, and all other group gatherings have been put on hold.

Although team activities have stopped, this DOES NOT mean your off-season training should. The truth is, you don’t NEED a gym to get a workout in. Yes, it feels good to throw some weight around, but it’s not mandatory.

There are benefits to training with weights, but there are also benefits to doing bodyweight training. Below is the first workout we will be using in this program.

Here are some benefits of bodyweight training that everyone can take advantage of:


  1. Improved Coordination: This is easily the biggest benefit. The more coordinated you are, the better athlete you can become. By using only your bodyweight you’re forced to do more full-body movements and improve your core strength, which will improve how well you can transfer power from your lower to your upper body.
  2. Focus on Weaknesses: Never been able to do 10 good quality pushups? Don’t usually go low when squatting? Now’s your chance to spend time improving on your technique and strengthening the movements you have trouble with. No one is watching, so take your time and do the movements right.
  3. Improved Endurance: For those that usually lift heavy for low reps, now’s the time to do the opposite. By doing more reps you’re working different parts of your muscle that will ultimately increase your ability to handle more work, a.k.a. improving your endurance. You’ll thank yourself later when you start loading weight back on the bar.
  4. More Flexibility: This is a big one too. A lot of athletes unfortunately have tight hamstrings, hips, lower back, quads and the list keeps going. Take this time to work on loosening up by stretching more and moving parts of your body that don’t get enough attention. This not only helps with flexibility, but also with speed and recovery.

All of you reading this have enough space at home to put yourself through a workout to maintain your current strength and possibly even improve on some weaknesses. Here is workout 2:

Workouts 1 and 2 are labeled in the calendar below, just choose your start day and alternate the workouts like the calendar shows.

In between workout days, we also recommend a light jog or activity that keeps your heart rate elevated for 15-20 minutes. If you don’t have a yard to jog around in, running around your house or jogging in place works too.

On sprint days, you should be going all out and then resting for 30 seconds to one minute in between reps. Sprints could be anything from a 10-100 yard distance—just run as fast as you can.

If you don’t know how to do some of the exercises in the workouts, you can Google them and you should be able to find video demonstrations.

If an exercise is too difficult, substitute it for an easier movement. You should also see that the reps say “max” and 10+ or 12+. All that means is if 10 or 12 reps are too easy, challenge yourself and do more. For “max” reps, do as many as you can with GOOD technique. As soon as your technique looks bad, stop the exercise.

You now have a four-week program to follow or use as a guideline. Feel free to get creative and add different movements to the program. The main thing is to stay active and challenge yourself as you would be in the weight room. If you have any specific questions feel free to contact us. Stay healthy and stay active!

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